Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chef Brad & cooking with grains

This week I was able to attend a couple of days at BYU education week. My top priority class was taught by Brad Petersen who is a chef dedicated to eating healthy and feeding your families according to the Word of Wisdom. I have come home with a wealth of information and can't wait to get into the kitchen! I will keep the post short but you can go to his website to learn more. He offers all his recipes on the website, but unfortunately you have to pay an annual membership to get the full benefit. After listening to him lecture, and attending his cooking demonstrations I personally think it would be a very worthwhile investment. He is an advocate for grains, teaches all about them including their history, nutritional value, how to store and prepare them and all the ways they can be eaten. I was also finally educated on the wheat dilemma of hard red vs. hard white. In short, if you are wondering, buy hard white.
Check him out.

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